Cornerstone is a 4,800 acre mountain golf course community located in the heart of the San Juan mountains of Colorado. It has multiple entities that serve the community, including two Metropolitan Districts and an Owners Association.
District No. 1 is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the public infrastructure within the community, which center around the operation of the roads and domestic water and sanitary sewer. The District is also responsible for public safety within the community including controlling access into the community.
Water and sanitary sewer operations are funded through the imposition of user fees while the public safety and general operating costs of the District, including road plowing and maintenance, are funded through property taxes received from District No. 2. Directors may also assess an operations fee if property tax revenue is not sufficient to find current needs.
District No. 2 is responsible for levying property taxes to fund both the general operations of District No. 1 as well as payments related to the debt issued by District No. 2 to finance the installation costs of the infrastructure.